Four Hands Massage

Four Hands Massage in London

As the name suggests a four handed massage involves two massage therapists working their magic at the same time and is said to be a very exciting therapy by those that use it. This allows one massage therapist to work on one part of the body and the other tantric massage therapist to work on another area of the body, and then rotate and change during the course of the session. Clients will say that it is the perfect massage and the perfect way to relax after a hard day at the office!

As well as the 4 hands massage being a fun therapy, for many guys it is also quite an exciting one too! If you are like the majority of the population, then you will have some degree of stress, tension and anxiety building up, and so what better way to eliminate this than a 4 handed massage. When you combine this with a very enticing and tranquil setting for the massage to take place (including candles and soft music), one can really get that feeling of complete escapism for an hour or two – depending on the length of the booking that the client chooses.

Just being able to ‘switch off’ completely for any period of time will be beneficial to people that suffer from stress. One of the reasons that people get stressed, is that they simply do not have that ‘off switch’, and their mind keeps going all the time!

Why does a 4 hands massage feel like such an erotic experience?

As the two masseuses start to massage you, a lot of clients will say that although it is 4 hands it feels like ten! and is definitely a very erotic experience. We think that this is because it is such an unusual sensation, but it definitely has that feeling for so many clients that use it. Added to this therapists that do this together on a regular basis, build up that kind of telepathic understanding between each other, which enables them to work together in a very skilled manner. Like anything, practice makes perfect! and so they only get better and better!

Having two masseuses at the same time of course will mean it is double the money, but if it offers more than double the pleasure, then surely it has to be a great deal!

If you would like to book a very erotic and sensual four hands massage at our massage parlour in Holborn, Central London then please contact us either on the phone or by using the contact form on the contact page of the website. We understand that some customers may be a little shy if they have not experienced the delights of a four hands massage before, but please do not be as out masseuses will make sure that you are totally at ease from the beginning to the end.